BV Weekly Prayer Call – (Recorded Versions)

The Bella Vista 7:14 AM Prayer call is available at your convenience.  Please see the instructions below to access the recorded call. The calls are recorded live each Tuesday morning. Here are the features available while listening to the recorded call: 1. To Pause 2. To Rewind 1 Minute 3. To Move Forward, 1 Minute [...]

August 4th, 2022|About, Events, front page, Get involved|0 Comments

COVID 19 Handbook

The attached safety measures have been developed and put in place to address the COVID 19 Pandemic.  Your support is needed to follow the guidelines that have been established and to reduce the spread of COVID 19. Please click the link below to review the handbook. BV COVID 19 HANDBOOK

June 6th, 2020|About, front page|0 Comments

Crisis Intervention, Food, Community Resources & Job Search

Crisis Hotline -We help people in crisis through intervention and referral for issues around mental health and suicidal thoughts.   Suicide Prevention Hotline - We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and [...]

August 13th, 2018|front page|0 Comments

Youth Ministries

BV Youth Ministries   The Bella Vista Youth Ministry serves youth from 18 months through their collegiate and early career journeys. Through a variety of ministries we encourage our youth to “Love God, Build Relationships and improve their lives” Youth Ministry Director- Leslie Cunningham (281) 824-2582 Email: ACT2 Youth Church Fun age-appropriate classes where youth [...]

January 21st, 2017|Events, front page, Get involved, Ministries|0 Comments